About Mahindra Yuvraj 215 NXT
Mahindra Yuvraj 215 tractor has many high-quality features and specialities. This mini tractor is reliable and durable for agriculture applications. This tractor model is also called Yuvraj Mini Tractor. Get all the information you might need to buy your next tractor.
As we know, the Mahindra Tractor brand is a classy tractor producer company in India. They always work for the Indian farmers by improving their standard of living. Mahindra Yuvraj 215 NXT tractor is one of them. It is a tractor that comes with super advanced technology for the high productivity. Check out the Mahindra Yuvraj 215 Mini Tractor On Road Price, the engine details and all the specifications are clearly mentioned.
Single plate dry clutch
Mechanical Steering/Single Drop Arm
778 Kg
2 WD
Mahindra Yuvraj 215 Tractor – Engine Capacity
Mahindra Yuvraj 215 NXT is a mini tractor. The tractor is a 15 HP tractor and has 1 Cylinder. This tractor is a very compact tractor and has an engine of 863.55 CC. The Engine is very powerful for low usage and better at orchards. The engine of the Yuvraj Tractor generates an engine rated RPM of 2300 and has 11.4 PTO Hp. The Mahindra Yuvraj 215 arrives with advanced water-cooled technology and an oil bath type air filter for a healthy engine. The engine of this mini tractor is durable which makes it ideal for gardens and orchards. The cooling system and air filter of the mini tractor Mahindra Yuvraj 215 enhances the working ability of the tractor and keeps it healthy for a long time. Also, the Mahindra tractor Yuvraj 215 NXT price is good for farmers.